
On the night of this Thursday, he will gather again around the monument in the Vigil to the Virgin
Seville is Marian city par excellence. And defender of the concepcionista dogma like the letter of the brilliant rocker Silvio in "The pure Conception (Swing MarĂ­a)": "Maria is / the pure Conception / that before Rome / Sevilla proclaimed". A Vow that celebrates its 450th anniversary and that is reflected in the veneration of its Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods and of Seville in general.
But on this bridge in December another of the traditions of this city that have to do with the Immaculate Conception, which is none other than that the priests of the different university faculties go to the monument of the Immaculate to sing to the Virgin her rondallas.
When and why did this tradition begin? It dates from 1952, being the Tuna of Industrial Experts the first one that approached the monument to sing to the Virgin conceived without original sin. He did it in memory of the University Tuna created back in the 20s of the last century that later disappeared and that came to sing the Salve to the Virgin.
This circumstance marked a before and after, in such a way that Cardinal Segura imposed the white sash on the Tuna of Industrial Experts in recognition of this fact. Moreover, it is the only one that carries it today.
From that moment, this act the night before the Immaculate was taking place in such a way that dozens of tunas that come to the feet of the monument to sing to the Virgin. And hundreds of people are waiting for this moment to enjoy Vespers that have grown significantly and revolve around the Immaculate.
It was in 1952 when the Tuna de Peritos Industriales sang for the first time
Although the one of Peritos Industriales was the first to do it, the first one to sing every night of December 7 is the Medicine Tuna, the dean. Subsequently, the others rotate, as established by the Council of Tunas, created in 1975.
Although the culminating moment is in the monument, the streets of Seville are flooded with tunos from early afternoon and the different tunas make parades to collect the passers-by.
So, you know, this Thursday afternoon, but especially at the stroke of midnight, those who want to enjoy this tradition that already has a whopping 62 years and that, far from being lost, takes on greater relevance every year.


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